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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Everything begins with a single thought

I continue to be amazed by "Everything begins with a single thought" which Yanni (yes, that guy) implanted in my brain sponge many moons ago. Machu Picchu began as a single thought.  Thomas Watson thunk a thought, and IBM grew one bit (pun intended) at a time and now is a major force underlying our digital lives.

Creation isn't just god(dess)'s handiwork. We create every moment. Creations are transformations of one energy to another. As a dualistic universe, we see the tensions between yin and yang creating systems from the simple to the complex. Modern computers giving you these very words you see are underpinned by the ancient Chinese philosophy expounded in the I Ching. In 1679, the German mathematician Gottfried Leibniz came across the I Ching. Studying the Chinese hexagrams, which consist of two type of lines, solid and broken, he came to realize that the hexagrams could be transformed into a numbering system, and so birthed binary - the 1's and 0's that run every computer system on the planet.

You look out the window - its raining. What a horrible day it is, you think. The world isn't horrible, but you just created a horrible world for yourself. I hate winter. Nothing wrong with winter, but you just made it ugly. Your choice. I don't have time. Of course you don't, 'cause you just created no time. I can't do that - of course you can't - argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they are yours. No is just an uneducated Yes. So say Yes. Just say YES. Yes.

Love and Fear

A sparrow whispered two yinyang words to me: love and fear. The basic human condition - why we do things - love, and why we do other things - fear. The emotional foundations of actions and in-actions. We go to work because we fear putting food on the table. We go to work because we love our job. One is not better than the other, just different, and we grow from both. But given a choice love is soooooo much more prettier - yes, I'm biased. Love opens so many doors that you can spread your wings and fly much farther. Fear can leave us trapped in a bottle.
Last year I dropped my fears and followed my heart. It was the best year of my life. It inspired me in so many ways - this blog is just a small branch. If there is one bit of wisdom I can share it is this. Stop. Listen to your heart. Then leap. You will be scared bejeesus but you will be blown away by the enriching experience. You don't have to climb Mt Everest. It could be opening your front door, walking down your street, then go left inside of right like you normally do. Then keep walking.

Centuries ago, the weary traveller enters a small hamlet. The locals open their doors, feed her/him gruel and grog, and offer a place by the fire. This is fearless humanity - open doors, sharing hearths/hearts.

Love is expansive and balances fearful contractions. Fear can be good and fear can motivate. But embrace love - your heart will thank-you for that.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Finding your tribe

Inspiration is sometimes lacking if our path is solitary. There are 7 billion people in the world. There are 7 billion paths or faiths. We speak 7 billion languages. What's a seeker to do? Finding your tribe can be daunting. You know when you have found your tribe when you suddenly realize "I'm home".

Tribes come in many colours. It may be formalized, or may be ad hoc and only gather once in a blue moon. Regardless, one central emotion is that deep heartfelt love that you share with your tribe. Your heart opens and you emerge feeling you can be you, without fear or confusion. The fog clears, tears well, and hands join in a joyous circle of union.

This blog aims at providing some tools in finding your tribe. And if anything sparks your interest, get back to us one day and share your story and/or add a calendar event that might help others who are wandering.  "Not all those who wander are lost" - Tolkien. But a signpost can be a welcome sight for weary feet.

Always finding dead-ends when tribe seeking? Create your own tribe. Much easier.

Spiritual ambassadors

In spire - to breath in. We all breathe in. Some breathe out with selfless lungs a nourishing breathe that spreads far and wide. These are the spiritual ambassadors that give humanity glimpses of the sacred and the divine, and guide us along our path.

My sister is one such ambassador. Since I was a kid, she has been throwing books and music at me non-stop, an avalanche of spiritual insights that has helped shape my path and given me those divine glimpses. I honour her.

Sirgun Kaur Khalsa is another. I first met her at Bhaktifest where she somehow managed to co-ordinate this aimless mass of volunteers into some semblance of order, resulting in a successful gathering. I recently stumbled upon her blog and music, and she has inspired me to create this entry. I honour her. 

The flow of spirit weaves a rich tapestry into our lives. Smile at a stranger today. To all ambassadors far and wide, I thank thee.

Friday, December 7, 2012

If Michaelangelo lived today

Around the world are spiritual centres that draw wanderers from all over. In northern Italy, Damanhur is one such place, and Michaelangelo would be at home here as he lies under the curved underground domes, in spiring. There is little division between walls, ceilings and art, as one surface flows into another. For a glimpse of these underground temples. A short history.