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Monday, January 7, 2013

In Search of Peace

It's March of 2010 and I'm on a hike which is part of the Appalachian Trail in my birth place of Tennessee. The day is quite warm and I'm enjoying the day with my sister whom I do not have an opportunity to spend time with very often. This particular visit was one that I will always remember for many reasons.

We hiked up to the The Iron Furnace in Cumberland Gap, a place where we grew up and knew well, but like many locals, we never took in the 'tourist attractions' of our own back yard. So this was a return to our childhood in many respects. She and I have long since moved on from that beautiful piece of wilderness. This adventure brought up many events of our childhood that we talked about, many of which were not very happy ones, but it was good to sort out our deeply felt emotions with one another. Having a kindred spirit to share with is wonderful, but to share troubling times with the one person who lived through those turbulent times with you is a great blessings and very healing.

It was on the way back down the mountain side where we noticed the butterflies. These beautiful monarchs were circling about an area of the path and I was inclined to sit down and enjoy that moment.

A few tourist passing through were perplexed by my sister and I just sitting there. I recall one couple inquiring what we were doing and didn't seem at all impressed by the butterflies. But what a magical moment that was! And I'm so happy to have had that moment and others that day to draw upon for what happened next.

For reasons I will not go into here, my sister and I never had a relationship with our father. So when we received the call that day that he was in the hospital we were very torn. What were the odds that he would be so ill on the one day that she and I would be in town where he lived; she from Michigan and I from Colorado? After prayerful consideration, we decided that we should go and see him and it was as we expected with the drama and chaos of simply trying to sneak past security to visit with him for even a moment.

Finally in his hospital room, alone for just a moment before being told to leave, I saw him for who he was. A man in search of Peace. His life tormented by his choices in life and torn between what he felt he could not change to the point where it had taken his very life. All of the personal trauma I had allowed into my heart melted for a moment and I was able to take his hand and forgive him. Giving him assurance that nothing mattered anymore now, and that it all worked out the way it was suppose to work out. To help him find a bit of peace for what he and I both knew would be the last time I would see him alive. His smile, though weak and weary, gave me a sense of peace that he knew what I was trying to tell him. The miracle that I did not expect was that in finding forgiveness in my heart and offering him the peace from knowing I forgave him, I was given a sense of peace myself. 

The interesting thing, to me, about Peace, is that it is so easy to forget that it is around us at all times. Taking those precious moments to acknowledge the moments of peace is quintessential to our very existence. That whole day, up to that moment, had so many opportunities to drink in peace that sustained me through that one very difficult moment. Getting lost on those back roads of Tennessee, stopping to take pictures of barns loaded with tobacco hanging from their rafters. The sound of the waterfalls and song birds in the countryside, and warm sunshine on a day perfect for a roadside picnic.

So many people I know, including myself, are searching for peace and it really is not that difficult to find once you know where it dwells. Sometimes the presence of peace is overshadowed by what I refer to as the voices of spiritual warfare. For you see there is nothing more irritating to the dark side than for us to be at peace. Therefore, it is the intention of unseen forces to distract us from what is good in our lives right here, right now! Its those moments where we are reminded of something in our lives which went sour and then we spiral downward from there. And in the midst of these thoughts, we have perhaps overlooked a rainbow off in the distant horizon, the laughter of children, the smell of fresh baked bread, a puppy tripping over its ears while chasing a boy in the park.

The next time you hear thoughts rattle your brain which make you unsettled about something (say its a person who has done something you found offensive or feels like a personal attack), try this simple meditation:

1. Stop those thoughts immediately by shifting your attention to the people in your life who are with you on your journey that love and care for you unconditionally. You see, replacing those unpleasant or offensive thoughts with those of positive and affirming thoughts is the first step to cleansing. Once you have cleansed those distressing thoughts from your heart, then you will feel peace wash over you.

2. Say a quick prayer for the offending person for peace to come to them. For we should always remember to receive a gift as precious as peace we must be readily willing to give back that peace to others. This is called grace.

Remember to put all thoughts into proper perspective. Stumping your toe when getting out of bed in the morning is not a sign that its going to be a bad day! It simply is a way of the universe getting our attention. So its our choice whether we should give attention to the darkness in our hearts, or to kindle the flame of the light and let it SHINE!

I know now that true forgiveness and compassion are the ultimate source for peace. Furthermore, we must find forgiveness in our hearts for ourselves! That, my friends, is sometimes the most difficult task of all.

My father died just shy of 2 years from that visit and it was indeed the last time I saw him alive. His birthday was yesterday, January 6th, and it brought me much peace to know that I had that last moment with him to offer him forgiveness and allow him to be at peace in regards to our relationship. For me this was a moment of divine opportunity and I am very humbled to have been given this time with him of closure. 

I hope sharing this with those who have hearts to hear will bring about a blessing. And I wish that I could say this technique was my idea, but indeed it came from my 11 year old son, who seems like nothing ever gets under his skin. One day I asked him how he does this, and can he teach me what he knows. He shrugged and said "Its simple, really, I just think of three things that make me happy." His simple approach that he drew from his own heart at such a tender age brought a smile to my face and I hope it will to you as well.

Peace be with you now and forever.

 author note: all photographs in this article are taken by the author at the time of the spoken event and may be used freely by others.

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